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Living in an individualistic, capitalist culture, can perpetuate feelings of depletion and powerlessness. In the face of so many challenging external forces, beyond our control,  it is no wonder so many of us are facing depression, anxiety, overwhelm, apathy, and adrenal fatigue. 

Over our lifetimes, our bodies, and minds become conditioned with coping mechanisms and patterns that help us get by and push through. Perhaps you are ready to shift into a more vibrant life, that allows you to revel in the little things, bask in the present moment, really enjoy being in your body, and live from genuine gratitude. 

Your commitment to a 4, 6, or 12 month program, customized to your unique needs will be a game changer. We will hone in on where you are stuck, and what's keeping you in the same cycle, and take systematic steps to transform your life. 

Together we will design a package of massage, holistic life coaching, and powerful practices that will support your movement forward into the life you want. 

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